DHA's Transport and Infrastructure Team specialise in creating robust and cost-effective transport planning solutions to optimise development projects of all sizes.
We pride ourselves on the strength of our relationships with the Highway Authorities we work with and consider transport and infrastructure in a holistic sense, to ensure that our proposals support and complement wider planning objectives.
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DHA will assess the accessibility and sustainability of a site while drafting our supporting transport reports for planning applications. These assessments consider such elements as the site’s proximity to public transport nodes, local facilities and services, and local walking and cycling routes to paint a picture of how easy it would be for occupants of a development to travel to and from it without using personal vehicles.
Active Travel Zone assessments are a Transport for London (TfL) initiative geared towards ensuring the planning process contributes towards increasing mode shift to walking, cycling and public transport. It assesses the quality of the walking, cycling and public transport environment within the vicinity of a development site. DHA have the capability to undertake these assessments for proposed developments located in London.
A planning expert witness is required for a planning appeal, providing the specialised advice needed in legal proceedings. The Transport Team at DHA has several qualified professionals with strong transport backgrounds to advise on the Inquiry process and take the stand as an expert transport planning witness.
DHA can provide initial access designs to feed into the overall design of a development. These access designs will include such elements as visibility splays and will be informed by national planning policy and design guidance. In some cases, additional off-site highway works will need to be included within the development, which DHA can also design to support an application.
The DHA Transport Team will contribute to the promotion of developments for Local Planning Authority Local Plans by providing Technical Notes that assess the accessibility and sustainability of the site, break down the proposed development, provide an estimate of vehicle movements to and from the site, assess the developments compliance with local and national guidance, and in some cases provide an outline access design.
To support a planning application, DHA can draft Transport Statements that provide a breakdown of the development, the existing conditions of the site, its policy compliance, and an assessment of potential vehicle movement attraction. If a planning application will be made for a larger scheme, then a Transport Assessment can be drafted instead, which is a Transport Statement that includes a greater amount of detail and often involves such elements as junction modelling and vehicle movement distribution. Most Local Planning Authorities will consider a Transport Statement or Assessment as a requirement for most planning applications.
DHA work closely with Local Planning Authorities and are always ready to provide input to the development of new transport strategies, utilising our experience and skill base to inform decision making.
A Construction Traffic Management Plan is a document that is often provided alongside an application for larger developments. The Construction Traffic Management Plan provides an overview of the construction methodology of the development, including a construction programme, working hours, the vehicles used and how they will access the site, as well as how construction traffic will be managed and how impacts on the local area, such as through noise, vibration, and air quality can be reduced.
DHA can provide a Delivery and Servicing Management Plan where applicable to support an application. A Delivery and Servicing Management Plan provides an overview of the design and layout of the site and how it provides adequate provision for delivery and servicing activity once the development has been completed, before detailing the day-to-day policies and measures that will be implemented so that deliveries and servicing can be appropriately managed. It also covers how the disruption and environmental impact of deliveries and servicing activity will be minimised.
A common element within Transport Statements and Assessments, swept path analysis is where a site layout plan for a development is assessed in terms of how easy it would be for vehicles of different types and sizes to move around it. This includes cars, box vans, fire tenders and refuse vehicles, and can often highlight specific areas of a site plan that would need to be altered for the site to be suitable. DHA will be able to undertake this analysis and effectively contribute to the evolution of site layout plans, ensuring that what is contained within an application would be suitable and effective for future occupants of the site.
The DHA Transport Team can produce Travel Plans, which are often required for developments that would generate a larger number of vehicle movements, including large-scale residential developments and schools. A Travel Plan is a strategy document for managing all travel needs and transport provision within the development site, seeking to improve access to the development by sustainable modes of transport. It will therefore contain both physical and behavioural measures to increase travel choices and will involve a set of targets and initiatives to promote sustainable transport.
A Travel Plan Coordinator manages the Travel Plan, taking a leading role in overseeing its implementation and management as well as being responsible for co-ordinating and monitoring any travel surveys that are undertaken. While anyone can be nominated by the developer to be the Travel Plan Coordinator, DHA are able to take on the responsibility at the developer’s request.
To aid our reports through illustration, we use GIS mapping. GIS can be used to create a number of helpful maps that feed into various other pieces of work that we undertake, such as indicating services and facilities located within suitable walking and cycling distances to a proposal site through isochrones and supporting our Construction Traffic Management Plans through the creation of construction routing maps.
More information can be found on our GIS page
In cases where a development can have a notable impact on several local junctions and/or is positioned near the strategic road network, a Local Planning Authority may request that these junctions are modelled in detail to accurately demonstrate the impact. DHA can undertake this modelling using industry-standard modelling software, painting a detailed picture of the number of vehicle movements through a junction, vehicle queue lengths experienced, and average wait times experienced during the peak periods of the road network both before and after the development, highlighting residual impacts. Paired with this, if a development will have a significant impact, the Transport Team will be able to suggest ways in which the impact can be mitigated, with drawings and designs created to support our proposals.
To reenforce the transport element of a planning application, DHA can request for a traffic or parking survey to be undertaken on our client’s behalf. Once we receive the data, we will then analyse if for common trends, such as peak traffic times, notable traffic events, peak parking times and more. This data will then be fed into the documents we are producing for the application, utilising it in as the base of our arguments.
DHA work alongside Parish and Local Councils to draft up a series of highway improvement schemes for their local road networks, with the aim of eliminating existing highway issues and future-proofing their road networks.
Services you may be interested in
At DHA, we strive to make the process of obtaining planning permission as clear and honest as possible.
DHA's Transport and Infrastructure Team specialise in creating robust and cost-effective transport planning solutions to optimise development projects of all sizes.
Our drainage and flood risk team have vast experience in the preparation of Flood Risk Assessments and drainage strategies for development in residential, commercial, agricultural and education sectors.
Site promotion is vital to identify land for future developments and to meet the needs of future generations.
DHA offer a Geographical Information System (GIS) service that can provide a variety of maps to help visualise data, identify patterns and aid decision making.
People who work in this area
Adam is an Associate in our Transport Planning team leading our small to medium sized projects as well as taking an active role in helping to deliver our larger Transport projects.
Alex has worked at DHA for over 15 years and became Managing Director in 2016. As well as the day to day running of the business, Alex remains passionate about planning and development and enjoys getting out and about meeting clients and discussing the various options how DHA can maximise the value of their land.
Chris is an Associate Director at DHA, and heads up the infrastructure section. He holds an honours degree in Civil Engineering.
Harry joined DHA in August 2024 as Transport and Infrastructure Apprentice.
Holly is a Senior Transport Planner in our London team.
James started his career at DHA in 2017 straight from secondary school as an Apprentice in the transport team. Now he's a Senior Transport Engineer, having gained his qualifications and a wealth of hands-on experience from working in the office whilst studying for his Diploma.
Leon joined DHA in August 2024 as an Associate Director, having previously held a senior transport modelling lead role in his time at Arup.
Luke joined DHA in June 2023, having graduated from The Open University with a BSc in Geography in September 2022.
Paul joined DHA in 2014 having previously worked for Kent County Council and the Department for Transport in the fields of development planning, transport policy, capital projects and public transport.
Sectors we work in
We are particularly proud of our track record of securing planning consent for valuable community facilities on behalf of both public and private sector clients – from village halls to libraries and pre-schools.
DHA are leaders in the education sector, working with a wide range of contractors, Local Education Authorities, Schools, Trusts, Universities and the Department for Education to deliver a large number of projects across the country.
DHA's experience in health development extends to medical centres, hospitals and related accommodation and training, GP Practices and medical campuses. Fully understanding the specific needs of prospective operators is key and DHA ensure this remains at the core of any project and directly informs the planning process.
DHA understand that commercial development can be complex and time-consuming. With extensive experience in the industry, we specialize in securing planning permissions for industrial, manufacturing and commercial projects, so you can focus on what matters: moving your business forward.
DHA have a long track record of work within the leisure sector, having secured consent for projects including ice rinks, football stadia and training complexes, sport pavilions, equestrian training centres and countless leisure centres. Each project comes with its own unique set of circumstances and design needs and DHA are adept at responding to these, working collaboratively with the design team to identify and mitigate any planning risks whilst promoting the many benefits such projects deliver.
DHA's experience in mixed use schemes is wide and varied in both scheme types and location.
DHA have market leading experience in creating new communities. This is evident in the scale and success of the projects worked on across the country.
Every business is unique, and that's why we offer tailored planning solutions to fit your office needs.
We specialise in helping our clients secure permission for retail projects of all types and sizes.
DHA are a leading practice in the residential sector, working with individuals on their dream houses through to thousands of new homes in Garden Settlements.
With an ever-increasing need for specialist accommodation for older people, DHA have expertise across the field to assist in the delivery of retirement and care-related schemes.
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