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Address: Land at Saxon House, Tina Gardens, Broadstairs, Kent CT10 1BJ

Site area: 0.59 Hectares / 1.46 Acres

Registered Title: K1699399


The site, outlined in red, was previously utilised as the Forland Special Educational Needs facility that closed in 2017, due to being surplus to requirements KCC have obtained DofE approvals to dispose of the land. The current structure on the site, known as Saxon House, is a single-story building of block and brick construction, dating from the 1980s-1990s.


  • Allocated Land for 14 Residential Dwellings
  • TPOs to North & Western Boundaries
  • Former Special Educational Facility
  • Existing Use Class Sui Generis
  • Affordable Housing Policy Requirement of 30%

The site is accessed from the south via Tina Gardens. There is a potential access from the north via Newman Close, however this would require third party land. The site is surrounded by residential, with bungalows to the south on the entrance to Tina Gardens, and two storey housing on all other boundaries.


Final - Sales Particulars - Saxon House.pdf

Residential development for sale in Saxon House, Tina Gardens, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10


For more information or to arrange a viewing please call Sam Boland on 01622 776226


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