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The highly anticipated Devolution White Paper has been published today. This sets out the framework which the Government will put into legislation to deliver a number of its key “Plan for Growth” promises. This includes the commitment to deliver 1.5 million homes over this Parliament, to which Mayors are considered integral, supported by Strategic Authorities.
A universal system of Strategic Planning will be applied within the next five years. All areas, with or without a Strategic Authority, will have to produce a Spatial Development Strategy over a strategic geography within a defined timeframe. The model that is proposed is the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS), which is well established in London (London Plan). Where Mayoral Strategic Authorities exist, they will be responsible for producing or agreeing the SDS for their areas. In other areas, which cover multiple Local Authorities, members will need to work together to deliver these plans with the Secretary of State intervening if necessary.
Mayors are seen as “vital local leaders” delivering on the promise of change in their areas to drive growth, more joined-up delivery, and earning trust. They play a key role in facilitating relationships with local partners to tackle obstacles to growth that require a regional approach.
To help Mayors bring forward development, and plan for it, Mayors will be given new development management powers, similar to those exercised by the Mayor of London. This will include the ability to call in planning applications of strategic importance. We should expect to see a new Mayoral Levy to deliver key regional infrastructure, Mayoral set Affordable Housing Programmes and an enhanced relationship between Homes England and Established Mayoral authorities to drive growth.
Alongside, this White Paper announces that the Government will facilitate a programme of local government reorganisation for two-tier areas, and for unitary councils where there is evidence of failure or where their size or boundaries may be hindering their ability to deliver sustainable and high-quality public services. New unitary councils will be created with a population of normally around 500,000, to achieve efficiencies, improve capacity and withstand financial shocks. A phased approach to delivery will be taken, considering where reorganisation can unlock devolution, where areas are keen to move quickly or where it can help address wider failings.
Following the invitation for devolution proposals earlier this year (which we know Kent, Sussex and Surrey all expressed an interest), the Government will invite a number of plans to join its Devolution Priority Programme. This Programme will aim to deliver institutions and have Mayors elected in the May 2026 elections and provide certain places with the full backing of government to deliver to these ambitious timescales. The government will announce the areas included in the Devolution Priority Programme in due course
Government’s Devolution White Paper
DHA will continue to delve into the detail and listen out for further announcements. In the meantime, if you have any immediate queries, please feel free to contact DHA Planning’s Hannah Young.
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