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DHA have once again been shortlisted for the National Royal Town Planning Institutes' National Awards, this time for the Exellence in Planning for Health and Wellbeing category. This category recognises projects that have positively impacted health outcomes, promoted physical activity, addressed accessible challenges, or supported the wellbeing of residents.


DHA's submission featured the Dinton Activity Centre in Wokingham, which won a commendation earlier in the year at the RTPI South East Awards.


Undertaken on behalf of Wokingham Borough Council, the Dinton Activity Centre project was tasked with replacing the existing facility, considered to be no longer fit for purpose and unable to offer an all-year-round community service. 


DHA led the delivery of a purpose-built, environmentally high-performing centre offering high-quality accommodation that meets the required education and community leisure requirements.


Located in a sensitive site, the project team had to deliver a sustainable scheme with minimal disruption to centre users and residential neighbours during construction, by maximising off-site volumetric construction.


More information on the Dinton Activity Centre here.



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