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Active Travel England is now to become a statutory consultee on major planning applications to ensure that walking, wheeling and cycling infrastructure is included in the design and implementation of new development.
The NHS recommends that adults should do at least 150 minutes of ‘moderate intensity’ activity a week, spread evenly over 4 to 5 days, or every day. ‘Moderate intensity’ activities include brisk walking and riding a bike.
Most of us struggle to find the time and motivation to exercise, so ‘Active Travel’ which encompasses those journeys made by modes of transport that are fully or partially people-powered - ‘walking, wheeling and cycling’ - is a great way of incorporating this exercise into our everyday lives.
In response, the Government has established ‘Active Travel England’ (ATE) to help make England a great walking and cycling nation. From 1st June 2023 ATE officially became a statutory consultee on all planning applications for developments equal to, or exceeding 150 housing units, 7,500 m2 of floorspace or an area of 5 hectares or more; this equates to about 60% of new homes. As a statutory consultee, ATE are working with planning and highway authorities, and developers, to help ensure that new developments give people what they need to get fresh air and exercise, save money on fuel and help fight climate change.
Our experience is that Kent County Council Highways are aligning their comments with those of ATE, reflecting a statement made by David Brazier, the previous Cabinet member for Highways in August 2023 that “KCC Highways, where possible, are not now looking to amend the network to accommodate more cars. Instead, they are looking to see how people could travel more sustainably from new development sites and are asking developers to provide the infrastructure to make this happen.” In addition, East Sussex, West Sussex and Surrey County Councils have all demonstrated a commitment to Active Travel within their emerging Local Transport Plans and Active Travel Strategies.
The needs of Active Travel should be included from the outset, with major applications informed by a rigorous assessment of the surrounding walking and cycling networks. This level of assessment is already required in the capital, where developers have to demonstrate how their proposals will deliver against the Mayor’s vision for Healthy Streets. Part of the evidence base includes an Active Travel Zone assessment, which helps applicants and local planning authorities to identify the best opportunities for improvements to specific local streets and public spaces.
The views of ATE now carry significant weight, and enabling those who want to ‘walk, wheel and cycle’ is now an important consideration in all new development. This can have significant benefits for developers, as active travel measures are generally more cost-effective and simpler to deliver than highway capacity upgrades. DHA can support you in preparing your planning application through carrying out walking and cycling assessments as part of a Transport Assessment/Statement, preparing travel plans, assessing the design and layout of streets and open spaces, and advising on the provision of cycle parking, vehicle charging etc.
For further information, please contact Rob Smith or Tom Valek on 01622 776226.
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