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Despite the project having faced strong local opposition, working with Wilmott Dixon, DHA helped reassure the community about the development. Key was tackling public misconception that the proposed school would damage the Grade-II listed Winter Garden, a Victorian-era hothouse containing tropical trees and plants from around the world that is said to be the second largest in the country after Kew.


The design team, including Noviun Architects, Fabrik landscape architects and Heritage Collective, worked closely with the Council and the Greater London Authority to develop a design sensitive to the heritage setting of the site and listed buildings.

The Harris Academy Greenwich scheme will require the demolition of a 1960s brick-built building before replacing it with an 11-16 year old boys school, a mixed-sex sixth form and a new sports hall.


Rising to the challenge of engaging with the public during the Covid-19 lockdown, the project team, involving DHA, took part in three Zoom-based online Q&A sessions for the public and helped develop a project website to generate feedback.


The London Borough of Greenwich resolved to permit both the full planning application and the Listed Building application. The conditions and Section 106 agreement are being finalised and to add a further degree of complexity to the project, as the site is within Metropolitan Open Land it must be finally signed off by the Mayor of London.

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  • 1,150 student school
  • New sports hall
  • Public engagement during Covid-19 lockdown

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