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Proposals for a new sustainable school in Nottingham have been approved by Nottingham City Council on behalf of Reds10, to be operated by Greenwood Academies Trust, thanks to DHA.


Permission has been granted for the 1,400m2 Waterside Primary Academy. This includes a 30 full-time equivalent place nursery and 210-pupil primary academy, to support the Trent Basin Waterside residential development in Nottingham.


The single-storey Waterside Primary Academy will be one of the first UK schools to base its design on the updated DfE net zero operation guidance, Spec21. Consistent with all Reds10’s buildings, it will include SMART building technology to analyse energy usage and production. The data is used to ensure the building operates at maximum energy efficiency.


The single-storey academy building with appropriate classrooms, staff/administration spaces and main hall will be complemented by soft planting, with areas of short and long grasses, groundcover, native trees and a dedicated habitat area for study.


Informal hard playground space will link the key outdoor play areas and internal classroom layout. A fenced multi-use games area and grass playing field are enclosed by a soft landscape buffer around the perimeter of the site.


Groundworks got under way in Autumn 2023, with the first modules arriving on site from Reds10’s manufacturing centre in Driffield in Spring 2024.

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